The Strange Allure of Pickleback Cupcakes

Just yesterday I ran across an old post I wrote about the refreshing spiciness of pickle juice. Adding vinegar is an easy way to perk up almost any savory recipe, and those pickling spices make us think of summertime fun. It's a little different to consider pickle juice in a sweet treat, but it's been done, with a traditional recipe for Kool-Aid pickles and Sonic's occasional Pickle Juice Slush. But would you, could you, try a pickle cupcake?

Foodbeast celebrated a birthday with Pickleback Cupcakes, and they were a real hit. These cupcakes contain sugar, butter, and flour as you'd expect, but there's also sour cream, pickle juice, and chopped pickles right in the cake batter. The frosting is made of the usual sugar, butter, and cream cheese, but the secret ingredient is ...bourbon. You thought I was going to say pickle juice, didn't you? The bourbon apparently makes it all worthwhile. But even without it, you might be one of those who find the combination of pickles and cake heavenly. Check out the recipe, and a video, at Foodbeast.

(Image credit: Foodbeast)

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